Alessandro Anglani

Virtual Reality


In this section you can see results of my work.

Motion Residence Sephirot

Motion Training

In 2021 we developed formal approach to the SEPHIROT© performer's body for its digital double.

Motion Training Workshop

In 2021 we had the opportunity to further develop the process of creation of an hyperdramaturgy, deepening the formal approach to the SEPHIROT© performer's body and aiming to the future digital double.

Videogame Sephirot


In 2022 we created the first prototype of SEPHIROT© - THE VR GAME.


In 2022 we created the first prototype of SEPHIROT© - THE VR GAME, thanks to the partecipation at the Cinecittà Game Hub. We developed the software using Unreal Engine 4.27, Low Poly 3D graphics, and the outcome is a stand-alone prototype for Meta Quest 2.

Connessioni Remote Paper

Connessioni Remote

In 2022 the academic journal Connessioni Remote sponsored my paper on SEPHIROT©.

Connessioni Remote. Artivismo_Teatro_Tecnologia

In 2022 the academic journal Connessioni Remote, n.3, 200-221, sponsored my paper on SEPHIROT©: "Sephirot - il Gioco: transition between representation and simulation".


This graph shows my typical work process in Virtual Reality, how I usually work and what is my workflow.


Step 1

The first problem to solve is to define what kind of hardware and software technology are we going to use to create an immersive digital environment. A deep knowledge of the latest techniques available can deeply ease the workflow.


Step 2

In the case of SEPHIROT©, where the presence of real performers inside the digital world is fundamental for the experience, we have to create a formal approach to voice and body aiming to the digital double, and to train professional gamers on how to interact with the game design.


Step 3

The creation of the digital environment, together with sound designers, 3D and VFX artists, brings to life an immersive and interactive world, full of surprises.


Step 4

The coding and programming must be based on specific languages depending on wich platform we used for developing the software, and can allow the implementation of the game design inside the experience.


Step 5

Last but not least, using specific devices such as motion capture suits or simply the standard controllers that we have with the VR headsets, we start doing some Motion Capture sessions, testing every aspect that we created before and exploring the virtual reality with our body doubles.


Motion Capture

Motion Capture Sessions for Sephirot© - The VR Game, 2022

Modeling Mesh Fox

Three Modeling States of the Mesh of our Sephirot© Fox, 2022

Cinecittà GameHub

Cinecittà Game Hub Convention, 2022

Little crow

Alessandro Anglani

FREELANCER. Digital Services, Gaming & Performance. Expert in RPG and Gamification, Developer, Director, Visual Artist, Actor, Web Programmer and Social Media Manager.